A dear friend of mine from grad school recently told me she created a survey for one of her college classes through surveymonkey.com. I was very intrigued by this idea, so I decided to create one as well. It's nothing fancy, but it was super easy to make. We do end-of-the-semester evals, but I don't see those until final grades have been submitted. So, the students really don't have a chance to give their thoughts on how they'd like to see the course changed in a way that would directly affect them.
So far I haven't gotten too many bites, but I'm hoping by the end of Spring Break I'll have a few solid ideas I can work with. I'll post them if they're useful.
Here's what my survey looks like (click to enlarge). I stole the majority of the wording from my friend, who's ridiculously good at coming up with cool ideas to interact with her students.
The only thing you'll need for spring break is a pack of Male Extra caps for your dick! With Male Extra you'll rock a bigger and healthier penis to impress the chicks with, or not!