There's really just one criterion she gives herself: be specific.
It's been about a year since I read her book, but the theme keeps nagging at me--what would it look like to live a life that's truly grateful?
I was curious. But I also knew I needed ways to practice this thankfulness on a daily basis. Voskamp had her journal. I needed something concrete, too. And, specially, how could I incorporate it into my teaching? Because that's basically my life right now.
This semester I'm trying out two ways to be thankful as a teacher. Now, mind you, the semester has only just begun, so I hope this post isn't premature. But, I've already started to see a change in my attitude...
Discipline #1: Two Students a Day

So, I needed a way to narrow down my focus somehow. I bought a spiral notebook with index cards and wrote two students' names on each card. Every morning, I flip over a card and see two students whom I purpose to be thankful for that day. Some mornings, I see the names and think, "Well that's easy! These kids are awesome." Some days it takes me a while to come up with specific things I'm thankful for in those students. But I'm liking the challenge. And I do think it's changing me for the better.
Discipline #2: One Good Thing

Part of the reason I'm sharing these two disciplines is because now that I've put it out there, I have an even bigger motive to stay consistent. I hope I can continue these practices through the end of the year, and then reflect and see if they've changed me. Time will tell...