
Sunday, August 18, 2013

First day of school tomorrow :: Prayer for 2013-2014

Open my eyes and my heart to see what You see:  let me see and understand when Your kids hide behind smiles, headphones, and feigned apathy.  And grant me wisdom on to help each student in each case.

Mold me into the kind of person who can create a classroom where each student feels valued, loved, appreciated, and cared for.  May my students enter the room knowing that they will be listened to; may they leave knowing that they can make a positive impact on their world.

Teach me how to help kids become more compassionate individuals--people who want to grow; people who fight against injustice; people who believe in humanity.

Open the minds of my students to accept others' views and to learn and be excited about numbers, patterns, data, predictions, and abstractions.

Give me grace day by day to be a "Repairer of Broken Walls,"[1] and a "Bringer of Good News."[2]

Turn my stress to patience; my apprehension to enthusiasm; my worry to contentment.

Help me remember to be thankful always; fearful of nothing.

Thank You for the opportunity to be a part of what You're doing--bringing heaven to earth...

The views in this blog are solely my own and do not represent any employer, past or present.

[1] Is. 58:12
[2] My middle name, Mozdeh, is Farsi for "Bringer of Good News"...I love it very much.