
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Prayer for 2020-2021

I ran into a former student today. “Mrs. Peterson?” she asked (it’s been years since we’ve seen each other).

“H? How did you recognize me with sunglasses and a mask…?”

“It was your voice…”

Your voice. Our voice...


Compassionate Heavenly Mother,

As we enter a school year unlike another, grant us grace—grace for ourselves, grace for our students, grace for their parents, grace for our coworkers. Remind us—constantly but gently—that every single person has been through so much in the last six months, including ourselves. Free us from the temptation of comparison, as we look at what used to be and what could have been. Rescue us from our own thoughts.

We are so anxious, Mama. Still, help us find creative solutions to meet every kid. We ask that we would feel a closeness and kindredness to our students that can only come from the Divine; that we would be flooded with renewed patience and understanding; that amidst all the unknown we would search for and find true JOY...the kind of joy that still makes room for hurt and anxiety and loneliness and can say, “Baby, I’ve been there. I see your ache. I know the pain. But I’ve come out the other side and I say let’s enjoy this day together.”

May our voices be a soothing salve to the hurting. May they find comfort and solace in our rooms—whether physical or virtual. Grant us the tenderness of a new mama. Open our eyes to see and honor the Light in every soul. Open our ears to hear each story. Open our hearts to let each story move us. 

Give us the words when we start to grasp. Grant us the wisdom when silence is needed. And give us the courage to sit and cry with the brokenness.

In the midst of the unknown, in the midst of the chaos, remind us that You are the God who sees us tossing and turning at night, the One who collects our tears and records them in Her book (Ps. 56:8). Remind us we are not alone. We are not unseen. 

Finally, I ask for what feels impossible right now. I ask for unity. I ask that we see both the humanity and the Divine in one another. I ask for less strife and more open doors. I ask for less talking and more listening. I ask for less judgment and more grace; fewer assumptions, more understanding. And start with me, Oh God. Start in my heart. Purify my heart so I can see the world through Your eyes. 


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Virtual Assessment Ideas

Type #1: Explain 

Have students take a test on their own (don’t grade the tests). Once they’re done, give students the key and have them grade their own. 

Ask students to make corrections and then create a video of their explanations of the three (or however many) most difficult problems for them. They may or may not be questions they initially got incorrect. Students should submit their initial test, corrections, and video. Grade is given on accuracy of grading, accuracy and cleanliness of corrections, and appropriate video explanations. Grade is not based on initial number of questions missed as this would encourage nefarious means. 

Type #2: Create

Have students create their own test, key, and solutions. Give detailed directions on number and type of questions. 

For multiple choice questions, have students explain why the distractors are good. For free response questions, give the students the questions but have them create the stem and the answer key. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Zoom with iPad or iPhone (so your kids still see your face!)

I wanted a way for my students to still see my face when I worked problems in front of them on a Zoom call.  I think it’s important for them to see my facial expressions and it’s important for me to be able to “look” at them.  You already lose so much via a Zoom call--I wasn’t willing to lose what little interaction I had.  I have an iPad and Apple Pencil, so I used the first method below to write on my iPad and share my screen (while also keeping the meeting open on my computer so my kids could still see me).  See photo below:

If you don’t have a tablet/stylus, you can use your phone’s camera feature to share (for example) a paper that you’re writing examples on.  Think of it as a document camera.

With iPad
  1. On your iPad, first add Screen Recording to your Control Center if you haven’t already (Settings>Control Center>Customize Controls. Push the green plus sign next to “Screen Recording”).
  2. Open the Zoom app and start the meeting from your iPad (this is important so that you’re the host on your iPad and not your computer so you can share your screen).
  3. Turn your video off (so you don’t broadcast an unflattering view of yourself…).
  4. Mute yourself.
  5. Click the “More” button on top right and select “Disable Audio.” 
    This will ensure you don’t have feedback/echo from having Zoom open on two devices open.
  6. Now switch to your computer.  Open Zoom and start the same meeting from your computer.
  7. On your iPad, let yourself into the meeting.
  8. Run the meeting as normal now.  Keep in mind, you are currently hosting from the iPad, so you’ll need to let people in through the iPad.  To share your iPad screen, hit the green “Share” button, then select “Screen.” The first time you will need to select “Zoom,” and then push “Start Broadcast.”  You are now sharing your screen and can toggle through windows as normal.  A nice feature is opening your camera app so you can show whatever documents, books, etc are in front of you.

With iPhone

  1. On your iPhone, first add Screen Recording to your Control Center if you haven’t already (Settings>Control Center>Customize Controls. Push the green plus sign next to “Screen Recording”).
  2. Open the Zoom app on your phone and start the meeting from your phone (this is important so that you’re the host on your phone and not your computer so you can share your screen).
  3. Tap anywhere on the screen to see menus.  Turn your video off (so you don’t broadcast an unflattering view of yourself…).
  4. Mute yourself.
  5. Click the “More” button bottom right and select “Disconnect Audio.” This will ensure you don’t have feedback/echo from having Zoom open on two devices open.
  6. Now switch to your computer.  Open Zoom and start the same meeting from your computer.
  7. On your phone, let yourself into the meeting.
  8. Run the meeting as normal now.  Keep in mind, you are currently hosting from your phone, so you’ll need to let people in through your phone.  To share your phone’s screen, hit the green “Share” button, then select “Screen.” The first time you will need to select “Zoom,” and then push “Start Broadcast.”  You are now sharing your screen and can toggle through windows as normal.  A nice feature is opening your camera app so you can show whatever documents, books, etc are in front of you.

Happy Zooming! I hope this doesn't have to last too much longer...