

About Me

School year 2018-2019 will be my tenth year teaching mathematics.  I have a BS (Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 2009) and MA (The University of South Dakota, 2011) in mathematics.  I taught at the college level for three years (two of which were as a TA), and now I teach some of the coolest high schoolers in the nation.  I am currently teaching AP Calculus AB, PreCalculus/Trigonometry, and Intermediate Algebra.  Other courses I've taught are College Algebra, Calculus I, Business Calculus, and Algebra II. (Reflections on making the switch from college teacher to high school teacher can be found here.)

I'm married to an incredible man, who also happens to love numbers (he's a CPA).  He supports me to no end and gets excited about the things that excite me.  I couldn't do what I do without him.

About ε-δ...

This blog is intended to be a journal of sorts as I explore what it means to be a good math teacher. I was so inspired by the other math ed blogs out there that I decided to jump on the bandwagon.  I've found an incredible community of fellow teachers here in our virtual little corner of the world.

I called this blog Epsilon-Delta based the definition of function continuity as systemized by greats like Cauchy, Weierstrass, and Bolzano:
| x - c | < \delta \Rightarrow | f(x) - f(c) | < \varepsilon. \,

The reason for this is two-fold.  First, I feel this definition is a mathematical staple.  It's a beautiful example of how we can take an idea that seems fairly straight forward to describe in words or in pictures and write it rigorously in mathematical symbols.  Plus, what's more delightful than a continuous function?    (Ok...maybe a differentiable function...?)  Second, I'm a firm believer in mathematics education being continuous.  That is, I believe as math educators we should do everything we can to help students learn math continuously. I'm trying to figure out exactly what I mean by that, and this blog is a journal of those thoughts.

Finally, much of what I use  I've found from other extraordinary teachers (either virtual friends or real-life colleagues), and I've adapted their ideas to fit my own classroom needs.  So, thank you to all the math teachers whose ideas are represented on these pages.

[Updated 6/21/2014]


  1. I liked that you have been teaching students for so long. Teaching tips shared by you are very beneficial for all Tutors. The function continuity you shared in this article is very interesting. A function f(x) is said to be continuous at a point x = a, in its domain if the following three conditions are satisfied: f(a) exists (i.e. the value of f(a) is finite) Limx→a f(x) exists. I hope you continue to share this beneficial article even further. Thanks for this beneficial article.


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